Tibo Delor


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Born in France, Tibo Delor graduated at Nice Conservatorium, as a sax player. With his natural curiosity, sensibility and the help of his great master Andre Mariller, he discovered his true passion, the contrabass. At the age of 19 he became a bass player at the Paris Superior Conservatory of Music.
During 4 years he joined the Paris Opera Orchestra while playing also at L’Orchestre de Contrabasses (Contrabasses Orchestra), a Parisian group with a musical / theatrical approach. Because of this work he was invited to come to Brazil to perform with Rodrigo Matheus in a play entitled Orgulho (Pride), where circus technique, dance, theatre and music gathered harmoniously.
He moves to Brazil in 1997, where he has the opportunity to get deep involved in the work of his true idol – Tom Jobim.
In his first CD, No Tom* da Historia, (Jobim in History) he creates an innovative work where he brings together bossa nova and classical music. The musician pays a tribute to the great composer: I dedicate this work to Tom Jobim, real descendent of Debussy, Villa-Lobos, Stravinsky and Chopin.
With this crossing over approach, Tibo creates a sonority with symphonic aspects, with great success. Thus a Chopin waltz introduces the song Amparo, and in the Sabia track there is an excerpt of Stravinsky’s Fire Bird. The special contribution of Paulo Jobim in 6 of the 13 tracks of the CD provides a true Jobinian soul to his work.
Nowadays Tibo is preparing a Brazilian sextet of contrabasses and giving contrabass Master Classes all over the country.
* Tom – in Portuguese means both musical key and color tone


"No Tom da Historia" - Tibo Delor