"Jewish Life, Portraits of the Past" - MazikDuo



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  • artist:MazikDuo
  • featured artist:Tolo Genestar, Marc Sumsi
  • region:Barcelona
  • release year:2017
  • style(s):Klezmer, 20th Century
  • country:Spain
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:MazikDuo
  • label:Temps Record
  • publisher:Temps Record
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JEWISH LIFE, PORTRAITS OF THE PAST, a sonority with flashes of history and protagonist of the new MazikDuo's CD.

A singular project between the fusion of classical music and klezmer, where both genres coexist showing a varied music but with a common theme, as is the history of the contemporary Jewish community.
Based on the idea of how music constitutes culture, Jewish Life forays into Jewish history and identity, it explores some its remnants that were scattered throughout 20th century culture. During the hostile climate of the 20th century, music continued to be created in diverse contexts, inhabiting disperse individual memories. It sprang up within the crude walls of the concentration camps; it ruminated in the memory of a young person exiled from homeland and history. It was a form of expression used by indignant mavericks as well as a nostalgic evocation sung far from home, far from across the sea.
That’s why Tolo Genestar and Marc Sumsi present us with works that germinated in very different moments and contexts, from the darkest sonority of World War II (Messiaen, Weinberg) to the most frenetic melodies of his most popular festive genre (Schoenfield, Kovács, Bloch, Saurer).

Therefore, this disc reunites traits from the past while narrating a very particular history using its own testimonies. It gives form, intention and meaning to the isolated parts of an invisible puzzle which only exists because there are still past and present voices which remember them, and which strive to understand them.