Mecanique Vivante company

Logo Mécanique Vivante

Since its creation, the company Mécanique Vivante has been setting up in town and country its dream machines for lovers of life and open air and its musical scenic devices and diversions of all sizes from the intimate individual to that of an entire valley.
In order to reveal the poetic potential of our modern urban world, it seeks to identify media where imagination and pleasure can flourish to build a new moment, a unique object, new experiences…
Inventor constructor player and founder of Mécanique Vivante, Franz Clochard has learnt to train a whole menagerie of more or less harmful and invasive objects, transformed for us into melodies, children’s toys, acrobatics and living dreamlike images, used in the service of space, its architecture and its inhabitants.

With him, bridges open and close to music, cement mixers are orchestral, chainsaws high flying, bars aerial and Sirens symphonic...

article posted by:Marion Pelletier, Mécanique Vivante
