Chi sonä e cantä no nmòrë majï,
- artist:Chi sonä e cantä no nmòrë majï,
- event type:Concert
- date:01 Sep 2023
- time:21:00
- city/area:Imola
- venue:Imola in musica
- country:Italy
- style(s):Tarantella, Pizzica
- event posted by:Medinsud APS
Antonio Pizzarelli sax, clarinet
Guido Sodo calssic and battente guitars, oud, voice
Paolo Caruso drums, santour, berimbao, tamburello Proton
Giovanni Calcaterra doublebass
Gaia D’Elia voice
Antonella Gallo voice
Michele Russi frame drums
Biagio Mele frame drums, voice
Vincenzo Aniello electric guitar
This project starts from the "sonetti di Carpino" , traditional love poems of courtship , and from their interpreters, the "Cantori" (singers) of Carpino who have given us so many poetry.
Then takes place a travel that touches political songs of Matteo Salvatore, a great storyteller who told us about hunger, misery, exploitation ow workers, and about tipically Southern love stories.
The travel follows Tradition, sometimes approaches isles of more recent music.
Chi sonä e cantä no nmòrë majï - Who sings and plays never die - and contributes to keep alive Music and Tradition