Musikcentrum Öst is the international coordinator of Musikcentrum Sweden that consists of three regional offices in Stockholm (Öst), Gothenburg (Väst) and Malmö (Syd). The organization is built from a vast membership community of almost 2 000 professional musicians and artists in most genres. The organisation is not for profit, under support from Arts Council and regional funds, and the main objective is promotion and support to the members. We take part in a number of international showcase events each years. We also run a number of national and international projects and has organized showcases at Jazzahead, Classical:NEXT, APAP . This makes us the perfect contact point to independent music from Sweden. We are not selling but we make the perfect match between festival, venues and the music. Talk to us!
Musikcentrum is also the co-founder and owner of the largest gender balance project in the music industry, Keychange together with PRS for Music in the UK and Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg. We can help and guide you how to work for equality and to take the important step to sign "The Keychange Pledge", together with 550 + festivals, venues and music organizations. Talk to us!