"XÉNESE" - Dios Ke Te Crew

Dios Ke Te Crew
hip-hop, galician


“Xénese” is the starting point for Dios Ke Te Crew, a journey through the origins of hip hop and a criticism of a certain egotistical and competitive drift of this movement, as well as of the Catholic religion itself.

DKTC's letter of introduction calls for unity and charges against the establishment: the monarchy, the Civil Guard, television, savage capitalism or the pollution of the planet do not escape the acid lyrics of Sokram, Mou, Jamas and García , perfectly blended under the rhythms fired by Dj Murdock and Dj Kaze. Some instrumentals that drink from diverse styles; jazz, rock, electronic, hardcore, reggae or funk, cooked by Mou (the band's beatmaker) in forceful productions that give the characteristic stamp that defines DKTC's music.

Considered one of the most influential works of contemporary Galician music, "Xénese" is the first rap album made entirely in Galician, and has served as a source of inspiration for many musical groups. ”Xénese” is the beginning, the origins, the germ…, the solid foundations on which the work of Dios Ke Te Crew is built.