Music inspired by Andalusian flamenco fire over Oriental arabesques to Scandinavian coolness.
It is instrumental music with both lyrical meditative and energetic explosive moments.
A style that Søeborg & Kujahn with a twinkle in the eye calls:
Scandaluzian Fusion. Music by Kasper Søeborg & Lars Bo Kujahn.
Rumi : “Poems are rough notations for the music we are”
The concept is instrumental music composed and played inspired by poems from Rumi (Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī, 1207-1273) and more than 1000 years old Chinese poems.
Kasper Søeborg: Spanish guitar - and Gibson Les Paul on a single track
Lars Bo Kujahn: Qanoon and percussive effects
Nantha Kumar: Tabla
Shashank Subramanyam: Indian bamboo flute
Chris Poole: Flute
Recorded, mixed and mastered in Cyborg Studio, Copenhagen, by
Kasper Søeborg
Produced by Kasper Søeborg & Lars Bo Kujahn
Executive producer: Finn Olafsson Cover
cover photo: Shazia Khan - other photos by Kasper Søeborg Cover
layout: Torsten Olafsson
Musical effects by Lars Bo Kujahn & Kasper Søeborg
Produced with support from KODA's Cultural Resources.