Numen by Mélodie Gimard


by Mélodie Gimard
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The French master pianist Mélodie Gimard has composed, arranged & produced an outstanding debut album NUMEN. On this original project she blends Flamenco with Jazz and Classical music with an utterly elegant and contemporary approach.

In Latin the word Numen means spiritual presence, and the album title refers to freedom of expression and inspiration. As a former dancer, Mel Gimard translates the movements from Flamenco dances into music. In her compositions, we find influences from both traditional and contemporary Flamenco. El Chozas de Jerez, Manolo Caracol, Moraito, Bebo Valdes, Ibrahim Maalouf and Tigran Hamasyan, all form part of the variated creative 'Numen' that inspired Gimard. Performed with an exquisite line up of the new Spanish and Cuban generation of musicians in the field of Flamenco and Jazz, the music on Numen is stunning. References to her roots with a fearless approach by the piano prodigy and her knowledge for folklore and classics, results in a beautiful oeuvre by one of the most exciting pianists of her generation. NUMEN is a must for any Flamenco lover!

NUMEN All music composed & arranged ©by Mélodie Gimard Produced by Mélodie Gimard

LINE UP Mélodie Gimard Piano, Vocal & Pads / Matias López Expósito Vocal / Ana Brenes Vocal / Naike Ponce Vocal / Alfredo Tejada Vocal / El Chozas de Jerez Mastered Posthumous Vocal / Jairo Cabrera Trumpet & Flute / Carlos Sarduy Trumpet / Nicolas Felices Bass / Agusti Espin Bass / Nene Maya Upright Bass / Pablo Gómez Molina Percussion / Frank Durand Drums & Roland spdx / Jesus Campos Palmas / Marc López Palmas

TEXTS Rafael Romero / George Sand / Francisco Moreno Galván / Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer / Manuel Ortega Juárez / Lope de Vega

TITLES 01. Numen 06:54 / 02. Vida mía (Guajiras) 05:37 / 03. Qué Sería? 05:07 / 04. Cayó al suelo (Farruca) parte 1 04:15 / 05. Deja vivir (Farruca) parte 2 04:13 / 06. Laberinto (Buleria) 06:35 / 07. Ideas sin palabras (Alegrias) 06:43 / 08. Glosa a Caracol (Zambra) 05:01 / 09. Zaïda (Romance) 04:02 / 10. De bronce, homenaje a Moraito (Soleá) 06:58

Recorded by Pau Romero Mixed by Kiko Caballero Mastered by Marco Rostagno
STUDIOS Beat Garden BCN Spain/ Medusa Estudio BCN Spain/ Aladid Estudios BCN Spain/ Hitmakers Studio BCN/ Alta Frecuencia SVL Spain

©℗One World Records 2020