Alif was founded in 1997 and was the first female band to release a tape in Dakar. Lead rapper Myriame was featured on many produtions and compilations of most known rappers on the scene. (f.e. Pee Froiss, Didier Awadi of Positive Black Soul a.o.). 2002 ALIF went back into the studio to record Fokk a track for the Greenpeace magazine; their first song to be released internationally on a EP called Dakar Raps.
The reactions were great and they were invited on a first tour to Europe in 2003. For that they recorded their first album. Support came from the German producer Steven Töteberg who runs a studio (Maison Yes) in Dakar and some of the main rappers on the Dakar scene. Most important: rapper Maxi Crazy, the singer and kora player Lamine Kouyate, Xuman and DJ Gee Bayss (Pee Froiss), who did the scratches on the album.
Musically the album goes full circle, reconnecting hiphop with its roots in Africa. Songs like Dakamerap, Taspe, Joolaa and Bataxal combine traditional sabar-rhythms and the music of the griots with a contemporary blend of african hiphop.