"Miles High" - Gerold Kukulenz

Gerold Kukulenz


There are those days – painted grey by thick brushes …
There are those kinds of music – lifeless bar-tittle-tattle, enervating …
There is an antidote – Gerold Kukulenz’ Miles High.

With a light hand he releases sounds into the world, it almost goes without saying that they are finding their audience – they are painting sunny patches on one’s soul.

This exactly is from the very beginning on Gerold Kukulenz’s aim: to breathe life into electronic music, to tell stories without saying words, to create song-structures without singing …
Steadily Kukulenz is going his way. After a classical education including piano, guitar and bass, he starts very early to play in bands and in this way he is gaining a certainty in very different genres. At the age of 16 he composes his first works, at the beginning of his 20’s, he takes up the challenge to add electronic sounds to his compositions and devotes himself to these experiments with the required professionality.

Gerold Kukulenz’s “Miles High” proves that music adopts, likewise a second skin, to the sensitiveness of people. It accompanies meditatively their daily routine, makes the most different situations colourful …

So “Arrival” comes to meet us, shows us the variety of possibilities – leaves behind an enormous satisfaction …
“On the Nighttrain” invites to explore the night – strolling, relaxed, full of anticipation …
“Ocean” dives into the secrets, cool and prickly we sense them on our skin …
“Space Walk” smothers us, we trust in ourselves – the vision gets wider, more open …

Gerold Kukulenz’s “Miles High” simply sounds always absolutely right …