Pellegrino Live Music

International booking agency

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We are an international booking agency experienced in production and organization of live music concerts, planning and coordinating tours, creation and execution of cultural projects, artistic production and musical direction.

Our main cast is composed of a fine selection of acts, covering a wide variety of styles, but united by good taste and artistic excellence. Jazz, world, blues, mpb, bossa, contemporary music and many intersections between all this and also the folk, the classical, forró, latin, you name it. What we offer to the organizers of concerts is the right option for every type of event and audience, bringing always a high level option in each style. All this through a comprehensive service, which actively participates from hiring until after the event, through liaison with technical teams, travel logistics, artist visa (in brazil) promotion and dedicated tour management.

However, this website is not only directed to the concert promoters, but also to every lover of good music. By surfing here you can listen and watch the artists of our cast, track their agendas, learn about their careers and much more.

So, feel free, listen, watch, read and contact us for any further information!


participating in

  • WOMEX 2015
  • WOMEX 2014
  • WOMEX 2013
  • WOMEX 2012
  • WOMEX 2011
  • WOMEX 2010
  • WOMEX 2008


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Gadi Lehavi