Ensemble Gamut!

Ondas do mare / Rannalla itkijä

Music video combining a medieval song and a Finnish folk tune
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  • country:Finland
  • region:Karelia
  • style(s):Folk, Early Music
  • label:Eclipse Music
  • type:Small Ensemble, Quartet
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:vocal, electronic, string, woodwind, harp
  • artist posted by:Peltomaa, Aino

Line up

  • Aino Peltomaa (voice, medieval harp, percussions)
  • Ilkka Heinonen (The Finnish Lyre "jouhikko", G-violone )
  • Juho Myllylä (blocflute, electronics)
  • Marianna Henriksson (harpsichord)

The Finnish group of musicians, led by Aino Peltomaa is gaining traction on the international music scene. The band combines historical instruments and electronics in an innovative way. They have created their own unique world of sounds using medieval and renaissance music, Finnish folk tunes, improvisation and modern soundscapes. By using electronic effects, looping and the sounds of nature the band creates a truly unique blend.

On 4 December 2020 the band released their debut album which, in addition to contemporary electronics, includes such instruments as harp, harpsichord, G-violone, tenor viol and blockflutes.

”The name of our oven fresh first album is UT. It refers to being outside or without something or someone. In addition, ”ut” is the first note of the medieval music theory system, Gamut (ut, re, mi, fa, so, la)”, says the band’s vocalist Aino Peltomaa.

Ensemble Gamut’s music flows naturally between classical music, folk music and popular music inviting the listener to a journey through the centuries. A unique groove for the record is created by the rare Paetzold contrabass blockflute, which is contrasted by Peltomaa’s bright singing voice, the archaic stringed instrument jouhikko and the prepared harpsichord.

”I’ve chosen beautiful and touching melodies and texts for the album from medieval manuscripts. We have then combined them with Finnish folk tunes which present the themes of the same unattainable love and passion, sadness, longing and death”, says Peltomaa.

Ensemble Gamut! has performed extensively from club gigs to museums, medieval churches and concert halls. The band made their Dutch debut in the Ambigu concert series and they have also toured actively in the Finnish early music festival scene including BRQ Vantaa, Janakkala Baroque and the Oulu and Imatra early music festivals.

Their debut album "UT" was published by Eclipse Music Finland, and won the early music achievement of the year-prize 2021!

The group is now looking for an agent/booker/promototer in Europe, with a special focus on Benelux and Germany.

Aino Peltomaa +358407569979

”Ut is one of the most interesting sounding albums I’ve heard in a long time” Jon Davis/Expose

”Best progressive albums of 2020: This one came straight out of nowhere and immediately captured my heart. More exceptional beauty from Scandinavia, it’s Finland this time where Ensemble Gamut! offer breathtaking reinterpretations of Finish folk and early music with a modern sheen.” Jez Rowden - The Progressive Aspect

"Ensemble Gamut!'s repertoire ranges from daringly and freshly arranged folk songs to Medieval and Renaissance compositions. Improvisation and electronics are also included." Riikka Hiltunen/FMQ

…deze debuut-cd, waarop de musici optimaal op elkaar zijn ingespeeld, naar elkaar luisteren, subtiel op elkaars spel reageren en gelijkwaardig zijn aan elkaar.
Els van Swol/8weekly

Voor mij zit de kracht van het ensemble niet alleen in hun imponerende arsenaal van klanken en vaardigheden, maar zeker ook in het feit dat zij goed weten wanneer stilte het meest spreekt. Zij nemen elke kans om ruimte te geven: de muziek mag ademen. De mooiste momenten zijn introspectief: een luchtige fluittoon, een geloopte stem op de achtergrond.
Sarah Jeffery / Blokfluitist

Ensemble Gamut!
Ensemble Gamut! Photo by Jonte Knif
Ensemble Gamut! Photo by Jonte Knif
Ensemble Gamut! Photo by Jari Flink


Finnish folk song, voice + viola da gamba
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