"Groovy Guzheng" - Phønix

Groovy Guzheng - Phønix feat. Sangka


sang from album Groovy Guzheng
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Groovy Guzheng - Phønix feat. Sangka

Live video of the titel tune from album Groovy Guzheng
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The cooperation between Phønix and the Chinese guzheng player SangKa has led to this release.
The 9 tracks of this album is a blend between Danish and Chinese music tradition. Some tunes are based on Chinese melodies and songs and has developed a Nordic touch in Phønix' hands. Other tunes has grown directly out of the Danish tradition and SangKa has added an etherial and dreamy Chinese spice to it.

"Phønix and Sangka manage to present the nine tracks of the album so subtly that the sounds become a homogenous coexistence. Fierce and calm phases alternate. "Groovy Guzheng" is a brilliant performance without compromises." - Global Music Magazine

Released with support from Dansk Artist Forbund