"Nådelands Ø" - Phønix

Phønix - Nådelands Ø - front cover


titel song from album Nådelands Ø
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Phønix - Elverhøj

Phønix Elverhøj - music video
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  • artist:Phønix
  • featured artist:Phønix
  • region:Scandinavia
  • release year:2024
  • style(s):Folk
  • country:Denmark
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Phønix
  • label:GO' Danish Folk Music
  •   buy this record


"We repeatedly witness how the old songs still resonate and carry significance. Dressed in modern interpretations and sound, they demonstrate their resilience and enduring relevance. It feels empowering to know that we stand on a centuries old foundation.”

Nådelands Ø consists mainly of new interpretations of Danish folk songs. Inspiration is taken from old phonograph recordings with traditional Danish singers, and then wrapped it all in the characteristic Phønix sound. The album also contains a few new instrumental compositions.

On Nådelands Ø the Chinese Guzheng player Sangka also appears on a number of the tracks.

Nådelands Ø is published with support from the Danish Music Association, the Danish Artist Association, Koda Kultur and the Statens Kunstfond.