

album: Raimon a l'olympia (Picap, 2006)
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  • country:Spain
  • region:Catalonia
  • style(s):Songwriter, World
  • label:Picap, S.l.
  • type:Solo, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:vocal
  • artist posted by:Picap, S.l.


RAIMON begins to sing in 1961, when he studies in the University of Valencia, where he license in History. Simultaneously he get in touch with the Barcelonian movement of Nova Cançó, where he contributes with a personal and discrepant style that locates to him in an original place, either with respect to this movement, or with respect to the fashionable Spanish musical panorama at that time.

He sings for first time in Barcelona, "Forum Vergés", in 1962. His Music, his lyrics, his way of singing, shocked the artistic atmosphere of beginnings of the sixties; "Al vent", his first song, achieved an immediate success.

The concert of November 1966 in the "Institut Químic de Sarrià", the one of January 1967 in "Palau de la Música Catalana", the one of May 1968 in the "Economic University of Madrid", the recital of October 1975 in "Palacio de los deportes de Barcelona", the only recital he could do out of the four programmed in "Pavellón de los deportes del Real Madrid" in February of 1976 or the four concerts in "Palacio de los deportes de Barcelona" in March of the same year and the July one in Valencia, in Levante's futbol ground. Years later he presented in "Palau Sant Jordi" in Barcelona on April the 23th 1993, the commemorative "Raimon, 30 anys de Al Vent". He did also five concerts in "Palau de la Música Catalana" in the spring of 1997. Those are excellent moments of a "possible collective autobiography". All those performances have gone beyond the circle of Music lovers and have become a social phenomena.

Reference point in the fight for the democracy and against the dictatorship, RAIMON is a singer and poet whom a personal voice contributes, far away of the trendy of the habitual circuits of Pop Music. The relevance and the International vocation of Raimon are demonstrated with the CDs edition and the celebration of concerts in different countries around the World.

RAIMÓN has sung in:

Germany: 1966, 1967, 1969, 1976, 1983.
Argentina: 1971, 1972.
Belgium: 1965, 1967, 1978.
Cuba: 1967, 1968.
U.S.A.: 1966, 1970, 1983, 1984, 1995.
France: 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1988.
Great Britain: 1997.
Holland: 1967, 1976, 1980.
Italy: 1967, 1971, 1974.
Japan: 1977, 1992.
Luxembourg: 1998.
Mexico: 1967, 1974, 1979.
Portugal: 1998.
Rumania: 1975.
Sweden: 1975.
Switzerland: 1966, 1967, 1972, 1986.
Venezuela: 1969.
Chile: 1971, 1989.

In addition to numerous CDs published in his country, there are 14 published CDs in France, 2 in Uruguay, 1 in Argentina, 1 in Bulgaria, 1 in Japan and 2 in the U.S.A.

Not only the Catalan and Spanish press but also newspapers of International prestige like the "New York Times", "Le Monde" or "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" have dedicated laudatory reviews to him.


Revelación de la Crítica Española, Madrid-Barcelona 1963
Festival del Mediterráneo, Barcelona 1963
Grand Prix Francis Carco, Académie Française du Disque, Paris 1967
Long-Play de Oro, Madrid 1976
Ciutat de Barcelona, Barcelona 1982
Fundació Jaume I, Barcelona 1987
Cartelera Turia: Musical Contribution, Valencia 1993
Palmarès DES Palmarès: Integral Raimón, Nouvelle Académie du Disque, Paris 1994
A.C.I.C: Better Spectacle of year 1993, Barcelona 1994
Premi Nacional de Musica, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona 1994
Medalla de oro al mérito de las Bellas Artes, 1995
Medalla d'Or, Generalitat de Catalunya 1997
Premio Ondas, S.E.R., Barcelona 1997


Canzoni contro, Japadre Editore, 1971, L'Aquila (prologue: Giuseppe Tavani)
Poemes i cançons, Editorial Ariel, 1973, Barcelona (prologue: Manuel Sacristan)
Poemas y canciones, Editorial Ariel, 1976, Barcelona (prologue: Manuel Sacristan)
Les hores guanyades, Edicions 62, 1983, Barcelona
D'aquest viure insistent, Editorial 3 i 4, 1986, Valencia
Les paraules del meu cant, Editorial Empúries, 1993, Barcelona (prologue: Joaquim Molas)


Joan Fuster, "Biografies Populars, Raimon". Editorial Alcides, Barcelona, 1964
Josep Pla, "Raimon com a poeta", Retrats of passaport (Vol. XVII Obres Completes). Edicions Destino. Barcelona, 1970
Joan Oliver, "Encontre amb Raimon", Tros de paper. Ariel, Barcelona, 1970
Eduardo Galeano, Conversaciones con Raimon. Granica Editor, Barcelona, 1977
Joan Fuster, "Presentació" - Salvador Espriu, "Raimon i les seves creacions poemàtiques" Enric Gispert, "La música de Raimon"
Raimon, "Totes les cançons". Belter. Barcelona, 1981
Jaume Pomar, Raimon. Edicions Jucar. Madrid-Gijón 1983
Joan Fuster. Raimon. Edicions La Magrana. Barcelona 1988
Josep Palomero, Guia didáctica d'Ausiàs March i altres poetes (S.XV-XVI) musicats per Raimon. Editorial Laertes, Barcelona, 1990

When the great amount of printed paper RAIMON has generated during forty years of artistic career, two words appear with insistence: originality and singularity. Singer, poet, writer: the way of singing of Raimon claims the visceral concept of Music, the shout, the harmonic outline, the free and colloquial style. Raimon breaks with the "Sweety" tendency of the Entertainment Song but also rejects the consciousness prescription.

The song is for Raimon an expressive poetry vehicle, combat, love, irony, lyricism and musication of Classical Catalan Poems and contemporary Literature.