Africa Network Meeting 2019

Working with African music? Find out more about this vibrant continent!

Maimouna Dembele and Christine Semba, photo by Régina Sambou and Felipe Aguirre
Maimouna Dembele by Régina Sambou
Christine Semba by Felipe Aguirre


Coordinated by Maimouna Dembele (Senegal), Music in Africa Foundation
and Christine Semba (France/Germany), Piranha Arts

Our first Africa Network Meeting in 2018 saw a high attendance and great interest from delegates coming from all continents, so welcome to the second Africa Network Meeting at WOMEX!!

This network meeting is for all African delegates and artists AND for all WOMEXicans working with African music or wanting to find out more about the great dynamic, diversity, creativity and challenges of this vibrant continent. Meet and exchange to facilitate promotion and circulation of African music and music professionals.

Music In Africa is the leading information and exchange web portal dedicated to the African music sector. A nonprofit initiative, Music In Africa is implemented by the Music In Africa Foundation together with many other developmental projects, including the yearly Acces conference, mobility funding, trading, and instrument building.

Note: At the beginning of the session Herman Kabubi (Uganda), festival programmer and director of Bayimba Cultural Foundation, will give a brief insight on the East African region.