Chaired by Simon Broughton (UK), editor in chief - Songlines Magazine
with Wanlov the Kubolor (Romania/Ghana), singer/songwriter & filmmaker
Thomas Burkhalter (Switzerland) founder/director of Norient, filmmaker, ethnomusicologist & music journalist
Contradict, a film selected for the WOMEX 20 Film Programme, is about overturning stereotypes in Africa. The film is set in Ghana with the group FOKN Bois (WOMEX 20 Official Artist), rapper Akan and singer Adomaa, amongst others, but can be seen as representative of much of the continent. It looks at the new realities of music making in the digital age - the perfect subject for a virtual conference.
“A lot of people are doing music now,” says Akan. “You just need a smartphone and a megabyte of internet and you are there.” FOKN Bois turn their satirical vision on the church and politics in Ghana, but also on the USA. Local and global. This discussion about the new realities in African music features Contradict’s director & Founder/Director of Norient, Thomas Burkhalter and featured musician Wanlov the Kubolor (FOKN Bois). The session is moderated by Songlines editor in chief, Simon Broughton.
This session is now over and you can watch it through the video-preview below.