Burkinabè Rising: The Art of Resistance in Burkina Faso

Burkinabè Rising: The Art of Resistance in Burkina Faso

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  • event type:WOMEX 18 Film Library
  • date:25 Oct 2018
  • time:10:00 - 18:00
  • city/area:Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • venue:Film Room 1, INFECAR
  • country:Spain
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts

Directed by Iara Lee
Duration 72’ | French with English subtitles

Production Country and Year: Burkina - Faso/USA/Bulgaria, 2018
Produced by: Iara Lee
Director of Photography: Yeray Martin Perdomo
Sound: Halassane Sanfo
Editor: Dimo Petkov
Contact: Caipirinha Productions

In the fall of 2016, director Iara Lee travelled throughout Burkina Faso. Through this journey, she met a remarkable cast of artists, musicians and activists who are using the country's artistic traditions to forward a message of nonviolent resistance. In addition to profiling individual artists, the film Burkinabè Rising also documents a festival of recycled art and interviews groups of farmers who are standing up to the encroachment of corporate agriculture. Displaying a panorama of creative resistance, this documentary features how the resurgent Burkinabè pursuit of peace and justice manifests itself through cultural expression, permeating every aspect of daily life.

Iara Lee, a Brazilian of Korean descent, is an activist, filmmaker, and founder/director of the Cultures of Resistance Network, an organisation that promotes global solidarity and connects and supports agitators, educators, farmers, and artists to build a more just and peaceful world through creative resistance and nonviolent action.

Iara Lee and Dimo Petkov will be present at WOMEX 18.