The fulsome sound of the 10-string viola caipira, for centuries the heart of São Paolo folk music, is today considered one of the emblematic sounds of Brazil. With their Viola de Arame project, the two young accomplished exponents, Julio Caldas and Cassio Nobre, place the viola caipira in the spotlight, drawing on diverse musical styles from samba de roda, forro and choro to Andalucian and Portuguese baroque roots, as well as Arabic and Latin rhythms and elements of blues guitar, in a wide-ranging repertoire of original compositions. It's an inspirational flight across the borders, which has already made stops at major South American festivals. With this year's release of their second album, Arame Farpado, gaining attention, they're ready to continue the journey outward and upward.
Cassio Nobre - 10 string guitar
Ricardo Hardmann - drums
Julio Caldas - 10 string guitar
Alexandre Montenegro - bass