Change The World Through Music Network Meeting

From promoting diversity to outright music for change projects

  • event type:WOMEX 15 Conference
  • date:22 Oct 2015
  • time:16:30 - 17:15
  • city/area:Budapest
  • venue:Network Room 1, Bálna
  • country:Hungary
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts

Anna Gustavsson (Sweden), Folkmusicians Against Racism
Zoltán Mészáros (Hungary), Snétberger Music Talent Center (Roma Music College);
Ansgar Holtmann (Germany), Viva con Agua;
Amitava Bhattacharya (India), Banglanatak;
Birgit Ellinghaus (Germany), Alba Kultur;
Paul Bräuer (Germany), Piranha Arts / WOMEX

A meeting for all WOMEXicans dreaming of making the world a better place with music, be it by showcasing foreign cultures and celebrating diversity through music or – more directly – by promoting change projects to music communities, one example being the many refugee related projects these days. Are those two completely different things? Where does art end and where do politics begin?

On 20 October 2005 the UN convention for cultural diversity was passed. Today, 10 years ago almost to the day, the question is all the more pressing: what can – and what should – we as WOMEXicans do to make this world a better place?