Creative Climate Action

Moving towards a sustainable music industry

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Becky Hazlewood by Sirli Raitma


Coordinated by Becky Hazlewood (UK/Portugal), Julie's Bicycle

Julie’s Bicycle is a London based charity who work globally to support the arts and cultural sector to take action on the climate and ecological crisis. JB was founded from within the UK music industry in 2007. Their rich ecology of practice includes their Creative Green consultancy programme, Creative Climate Leadership course, CG carbon footprinting tools and extensive resource and climate justice hubs. JB plays an active role in the Impala Sustainability Task Force, alongside other music industry networks and partnerships such as Vision2025 and Music Declares Emergency. Join us for this networking session, exploring some of the key sustainability challenges and opportunities facing the music sector, from green touring through to sustainable production. Meet new contacts, share knowledge and gather inspiration for tackling the climate crisis and music sector impacts head on.