Creativity as Vectors for Job creation and Identity Building

New EU Programmes for creative and music industries in the PALOP+ACP areas

Dominique Thiange
Giorgio Ficcarelli
Marta Dobosz
Paulo Chibanga by Mariano Silva
José da Silva
João Cornélio Gomes Correia


Coordinated by Giorgio Ficcarelli (Belgium), European Commission;
with Dominique Thiange (Belgium), A.C.I;
João Cornélio Gomes Correia (Guinea-Bissau), State Secretariat for Culture and Sports of Guinea-Bissau;
Marta Dobosz (Portugal/Poland), Cross Culture Festival, Gindungo Artist Development;
Paulo Chibanga (Mozambique), AZGO Festival;
José Da Silva (Cabo Verde), Kriol Jazz Festival;

This panel will present:
- The new PALOP-TL Programme of strengthening cultural and the music industry in five African Lusophone countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome e Principe) and Timor-Leste
- The new UE-ACP Cultural Industry Programme
- The Colloquium « Culture and Creativity, vectors for Development, ten years later » to be organized by EU in 2019 in Brussels, as a follow-up of the Colloquium of 2009 and its Brussels Declaration.
The panel will concentrate on the identification of the most appropriate regional and local strategies to support the development of the performing arts, as a key opportunity for job creation, revenues and export development and identity building within the new generations.
The new 2017 EU Strategy encourages deeper cultural cooperation between the EU and its partner countries.