Chaired by Malle Kaas (Denmark), Women In Live Music
with Jwana Godinho (Canada/Portugal), It's About Impact;
Margarida Moreira (Portugal), light designer;
Nuno Moura (Portugal), Faniak
and a contribution of Carine Tredgold (Zimbabwe)
In Europe, the estimated number of women working backstage is lower than 5%. This indicates that a female artist touring for weeks or months would most likely end up being surrounded by a male crew, both her own as well as the local crew. At the same time, we know the few women working backstage often struggle with anxiety and isolation.
Women in Live Music (WILM) is a European platform and online community for women working in live music; this includes various ‘behind the scene’ roles: Sound Engineers, Tour Managers, Lighting Designers, Riggers, Backliners, Stage Managers, Stagehands and more. In this session, the panel will discuss how we can be more diverse on and off stage.