In Situ

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  • event type:WOMEX 18 Film Library
  • date:26 Oct 2018
  • time:10:00 - 18:00
  • city/area:Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • venue:Film Room 1, INFECAR
  • country:Spain
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts

Directed by Chryssa Tzelepi & Akis Kersanidis
Duration 105’ | English, German, Italian, Greek with English subtitles

Production Country and Year: Greece, 2018
Produced by: Anemicinema
Producers: Chryssa Tzelepi, Akis Kersanidis
Director of Photography: Drakos Polychroniadis
Sound: Vasilis Alexandris, Martin Kleinmichell
Editor: Ada Liakou
Contact: Anemicinema

In Situ is a journey through the universe of contemporary improvisational music. The starting point is the city of Thessaloniki during the ‘80s, an international crossroad attracting several musicians in the genre of free improvisation. We travel across Greece, Italy and Germany following the trails of these musicians, documenting their assorted perspectives on improvisation, sound, silence, life and art, revealing their creative methods and witnessing closely the very moment “In Situ” music comes to life.

Chryssa Tzelepi has worked in creative photography since 1993 and has had several solo and group exhibitions in Greece and abroad to her credit. Since 2004 she has been working as a director and producer and is also involved in organising the Experimental Film Festival Strange Screen.

Akis Kersanidis began working as a producer and director of photography. Since 1994 he has been directing in the field of creative documentary and experimental video. He has directed performances of mixed media with music, dance, painting, film and video, and also several theatrical plays.