La Singla

La Singla

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  • event type:WOMEX 23 Film Screening
  • date:26 Oct 2023
  • time:20:00 - 21:45
  • city/area:A Coruña, Galicia
  • venue:Filmoteca de Galicia
  • country:Spain
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts

Directed by Paloma Zapata
Duration 95’ | Spanish with English subtitles

Antonia Singla, known artistically as La Singla, was born deaf and learned to dance flamenco without hearing the music. At the age of 17, she revolutionised the world of flamenco, but before she turned 30, she disappeared from the stage without a trace. 50 years later, a filmmaker comes across archival footage and becomes captivated by her – La Singla seems to hide something tragic behind her gaze and transmits a passion that goes beyond dance. So, she decides to unravel the mystery surrounding La Singla's disappearance and sets out on a journey to find her and learn her heart-breaking story first-hand.

Paloma Zapata is a director, editor and producer of international music videos and music documentaries. In 2008, she founded her production company in Barcelona, La Fábrica Naranja. Her films have been broadcast on Movistar+, Al Jazeera, TVE and TV3, and premiered at festivals including BAFICI (Argentina) and Guadalajara (Mexico).

Production Country, Year Spain, Germany, 2023
Produced by La Fábrica Naranja
Co-produced by inselfilm produktion, Malandar Films
Producers Paloma Zapata, Nadja Smith, Gregor Streiber, Paola Sainz de Baranda
Director of Photography Iñaki Gorraiz, Dani Mauri
Sound Hannes Schulze, Matthias Schwab, Nora Haddad, Enrique G. Bermejo
Editor Paloma Zapata
Distributed by Atera Films, Rise and Shine World Sales