Montparnasse Musique

(South Africa/Algeria/France)

Montparnasse Musique
Montparnasse Musique by S Deleu


Montparnasse is the story of two young producers met in Montparnasse train station in Paris. Chobolo from South Africa met Nadjib from France playing piano usually found in the big main train stations in France .
Several months later they won the Lottery with 4 numbers win, then they decided to invest all the money into a journey into sound, Thats when the duo was born.

Their sound can be categorized as an explosive mixture of Afro Sounds and electronic that packs powerful, foot-stomping rhythm and groove.

Duo currently working on their first EP which will feature different musicians across the globe. The made their debut performance in May 2018 during Biennale in Dakar.

Nadjib - DJ, producer
Chobolo - DJ, producer