Prétu is the current project of the rapper, producer, sound-designer and educator, Xullagi, aka Chullagi, in which he merges his Cape Verdean origins with his electronic influences and thoughts about Decolonization, Pan-Africanism and Afro-futurism, in a search for a new politically engaged African music. In a series of powerful video collaborations with acclaimed film-makers Miguel Almeida and Mónica de Miranda, and fellow wordsmiths Lowrasta, Tristany and Dino d’Santiago, he builds free-floating, genre-transcending soundscapes inspired by samples of classic, still resonating songs, under-laying visual stories representing awakening from exploitation ('Waters'); liberation struggle ('A Luta Continua'); and in 'Fidju Maria', a tribute to black women and attempt at “deconstructing the hypermasculinization that the patriarchal, sexist society has implemented within itself and in all men, and the reconstruction of another masculinity and, as such, of its femininity as well.”