Chaired by Seb Bassleer (Belgium), label owner, Rebel Up Records
with Kornelia Binicewicz (Poland/Turkey), founder, Ladies on Records;
Lewis Robinson (UK), director, Mais Um
This conference session will discuss the current issues of running a label in pandemic times and social changes in the world. Combining an array of topics such as project research, analog versus digital, social activism, digital actions, emancipation and sustainability of the global music industry. A panel of record label owners from Ladies on Records, Mais Um Discos and Rebel Up Records will each lay out their own distinctive vision and experiences during these pandemic times, through tips and anecdotes from the perspective of these label owners and music lovers. Want to know more? We hope to see and hear you in the virtual session space. The Q&A at the end will play a vital role in this session.
The live part of this session is over but you can re-watch the full session recording via the preview window below.
We have also uploaded the slides that Kornelia Binicewicz shows during the session available for download in the links section at the left.