Singeli Movement: Greed for Speed

Singeli Movement: Greed for Speed

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  • event type:WOMEX 22 Film Screening
  • date:22 Oct 2022
  • time:15:45 - 16:45
  • city/area:Lisbon
  • venue:Film Room
  • country:Portugal
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts

Directed by Jan Moss
Duration 60’ | Swahili with English subtitles

Singeli music was born in the slum of Dar es Salaam, the fastest growing city in the world. It was established at the turn of the century, when, after 40 years of building a socialist economy, Tanzania began implementing liberal reforms. Singeli's creators come from the first generation that grew up in the new reality. The texts of their songs, attitudes, goals and dreams reflect the image of the epoch.

Jan Moss is a visual artist who uses film, sculpture and sound. He has worked as a content consultant in the implementation of projects for documenta13 in Athens and Kassel, the National Museum in Barcelona, Harvard University in Cambridge and as an assistant in the projects of the Architecture Biennale in Venice and the MIT.

Director Jan Moss will be present at the screening and available for Q&A

Production Country, Year Poland, 2022
Producer Katarzyna Kostecka
Produced by Larmo Katarzyna Kostecka
Co-produced by Joanna Tatko, Lukasz Dlugolecki
Director of Photography Jan Moss
Sound Jan Moss
Editor Maciej Madracki