Tosta - The Bench

Tosta - The Bench

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Films in the WOMEX Film Library are available on demand and accessible at any time from Thursday 26 – Saturday 28 October, 10:00 to 17:00.

Directed by Jorge Fernández Mayoral
Duration 62' - Cornish, Irish Gaelic, Irish Scottish, English, Frisian, Basque, Galician, Welsh with English subtitles

Production Country and Year Spain, 2017 - Produced by DSS2016EU, Txalap.ART.

The term Tosta means "the bench of a boat" and is used in many different minority languages of the European Atlantic coast. As Tosta Banda, members of these regions came together on the bench of a common musical boat to travel to Cornwall, Friesland, Wales, Scotland, the Basque Country, Galicia and Ireland with, a message of celebration of diversity at a moment of crisis in global identity.