Make yourself known to the global WOMEX community of Promoters + Venues + Artists + Festivals + Labels + More: WOMEX – is the most international and diverse music meeting in the world and the biggest conference of the global music scene, featuring a trade fair, conferences, films and showcase concerts. This large network offers an ideal platform for anybody wanting to establish themselves, connect and grow their audience or simply gain more exposure through various promotional opportunities.
*Connect with...
2,600 professionals from 102 countries
1,270 companies
950 event promoters
540 labels, publishers and distributors
420 governmental, educational and other institutions
760 booking agents
250 journalists
20,000+ delegates on virtualWOMEX
...before, during and after WOMEX
*Data based on WOMEX 21 in Porto
WOMEX offers unique opportunities to connect with the global music community. Do you have an idea or would like to explore more advertising opportunities, our in-house sales and partnership team can help you find the right solutions. Reach out to us, send us an email.
article posted by:Gideon Elfgen, Piranha Arts