It has been brought to our attention that fraudulent emails are being sent to Classical:NEXT delegates. Please be aware that these are unauthorised and not affiliated with us.
Dubious services with names such as “Tradeshow Lists” claim to offer you access to the Classical:NEXT registration list. This is, of course, not possible, as the contact data within the C:N NET database is visible only to logged-in members. It is in the nature of any contact database that any logged-in member can see the other members’ data, but the contact data is not visible as a list, as each contact is only available as an individual entry.
Piranha Arts takes data protection very seriously. We never sell your data and it has never been stolen from us. We deeply regret that someone is using the good name of Classical:NEXT (and other fairs) for criminal or at least dubious actions. We are trying to contact these services in order to stop their actions. If there was something we could do to prevent this - we would do it.
We have been told, however, that the best way to handle them is to never reply and/or never comply with their services. Please do let us know if people call you and spread the word regarding this matter. Please also ask for credentials and contact data if anyone calls or contacts you with similar requests or queries.
For more information, please visit our Privacy Policies:
article posted by:Aliena Haig, Piranha Arts