Directed by Vincent Moon & Priscilla Telmon
88 mins | Brazil, 2017 | No Dialogues

From 3 years of research around Brazil, Híbridos, The Spirits of Brazil dives into the sacred culture of the largest country in South America through a very poetic and sensory approach. From the largest catholic procession in the world to a never before seen indigenous ritual in the Mato Grosso, from healing ceremonies in spiritual centres to Ayahuasca driven avant-garde rituals in Rio de Janeiro. An ethnographic journey into the world of sacred ceremonies and their diversity, as well as a trip into cinema as a pure poetic language. Without any voices paving the way, only the sounds of the rituals and the chants of the devotees, Híbridos is a music film of a new kind. After having presented a curated series of Hibridos short films in 2017, WOMEX is eager to present the homonymous feature film.

Produced by Petites Planètes & Feever Filmes | Producer Fernanda Abreu | Director of Photography Vincent Moon |
Sound Priscilla Telmon | Editor Vincent Moon & Priscilla Telmon | World Sales Petites Planètes

article posted by:Sana Rizvi, Piranha Arts