Plan-B Music

PLAN-B organizes tours, produces concerts, develops concepts and looks for ways to make live music indispensable. At Womex16 we present Niño de Elche.

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business contact
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PLAN-B is an international artists booking agency based in Madrid.
We at PLAN-B believe that music is what matters. Our main goal is to develop long-term relationships with our clients, artists and their record labels. We aim to present high quality proposals, trying to be permanently one step ahead of the ever changing music industry. And we do that by bringing to practice our knowledge of the different international scenes, the logistics and production of concerts and tours, the search of artists with potential, the respect and trust of a net of promoters and quality venues, and an online presence.
Our clients value the quality of our service, our attitude and professionalism, and our creativity beyond music styles.
PLAN-B organizes tours, produces concerts, develops concepts and looks for ways to make live music indispensable.

participating in

  • WOMEX 2016
  • WOMEX 2014
  • WOMEX 2011
  • WOMEX 2007
  • WOMEX 2003


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