García Mc & Nación Quilombo

García Mc & Nación Quilombo
García Mc & Nación Quilombo in concert
García Mc & Nación Quilombo in concert
García Mc
García Mc promo


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  • country:Spain
  • region:Galicia
  • style(s):Hip Hop, World Fusion
  • label:self managed
  • artist contact:PlayPlan Cultural

Line up

  • García Mc (MC)


García Mc, a reference in Galician music

Nación Quilombo is the fruit of more than 20 years of musical trajectory of this indisputable reference of hip-hop culture in Galicia. García Mc has been part of recognized initiatives in Spain such as Dios Ke Te Crew, where he actively participated until 2016. He was also part of Labregos do Tempo dos Sputniks or Ghamberros. He musicalized poems by Celso Emilio Ferreiro in a rapper style, he is a collaborator of the Banda Xangai and has been practicing as an independent pedagogue for more than 15 years, giving workshops and rap courses to create awareness and values among teenagers.

Now he surprises with an innovative show leading Nación Quilombo, a band that combines rhythms of the world with the word as the center.