  • country:Türkiye
  • style(s):Rock
  • label:Doublemoon Records
  • artist posted by:Pozitif Muzik A.S


Shifting musically from post-punk/noise to a return-to-roots feel, Replikas takes
inspiration from Avant- and Kraut-Rock, and adds Turkish elements - not in a contrived way, but just as living in Turkey you naturally add spice to food– giving their latest album Avaz a new vivacity. Producer Wharton Tiers of Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr. and White Zombie has taken their material and helped shape and guide them in a back-to-basics direction.
Cult, alternative, underground Replikas presents a myriad of new sounds which will be enjoyed not only by fans, but by a wider audience ready to seek out the cutting-edge creative voices of Istanbul.