Representing Phonographic Industry in Spain.
The origins of PROMUSICAE date back to the 1920. During the 1950s the right of association was not recognized by Spanish law, therefore this society was born as the Spanish Group of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, IFPI.
Under the Spanish Ley Reguladora del Derecho de Libertad Sindical of 1977 (Law on Freedom of Union Right of 1977), one year later the Spanish Group of IFPI established as a nonprofit association named Asociación Fonográfica Española (AFE- Spanish Phonographic Association).
With the emergence of music videos at the beginning of the 1980s and the need to defend this new form of music expression among the AFE’s activities, in 1982 the association was renamed as Asociación Fonográfica y Videográfica Española (AFYVE, Spain’s Phonographic and Videographic Association). In December 2004, Afyve’s members agreed in General Assembly to adopt the current name, PROMUSICAE. On the other hand, IFPI, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, was established in 1933 and is an Advisory Body of UNESCO, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the European Commission and the International Labour Organization (ILO).