"Taite" - Hanna Ryynänen

Hanna Ryynänen
Taite album cover
  • artist:Hanna Ryynänen
  • region:Nordic
  • release year:2023
  • style(s):Experimental, Instrumental
  • country:Finland
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Ryynänen, Hanna
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The captivating kantele artist Hanna Ryynänen released her debut solo album Taite in May
2023. The album includes pieces Ryynänen has composed for the 21-string Saarijärvi kantele. She plays the kantele with different wooden sticks, and freed by expressive movement, also drums the
instrument with her hands.

Exploring different timbres and experimenting with diverse styles are essential to Ryynänen’s music,
as are influences drawn from the rich traditions of kantele playing. The album presents instrumental
music inspired by Finnish, Karelian and Latvian playing styles, among others.

Ryynänen’s style does justice to the rich sound of the Saarijärvi kantele. She pushes the limits of her
instrument by playing both softly and fiercely, meditatively and percussively. Ryynänen is a strong
instrumentalist with an enchanting presence that invites both the audience and the musician herself
to be surprised and delighted by the worlds of music created in the moment.

Hanna Ryynänen – Saarijärvi kantele