"Rebento" - Companhia do Canto Popular

Companhia do Canto Popular
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Companhiado Canto Popular


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As a force of nature, REBENTO (sprout) is the collective work of Companhia do Canto Popular, a new cross-sectional project of Portuguese based music, which brings together musicians with a recognized work in important national music bands: André Sousa Machado (Fausto), Artur Fernandes (Danças Ocultas), José Barros (Navegante, 4aoSul), José Manuel David (Gaiteiros de Lisboa, 4aoSul), Manuel Rocha (Brigada Victor Jara), Manuel Tentúgal (Vai de Roda), Rui Costa (Silence4), Rui Vaz (Gaiteiros de Lisboa, 4aoSul), Sara Vidal (Luar na Lubre, A Presença das Formigas, Diabo a Sete), with the sound production of Tó Pinheiro da Silva (Banda do Casaco).

From the confluence of their experiences, a common point is born: the rhythms and the polyphonies of Portuguese traditional and popular music, which are evident in this new discographic work. On the other hand, it is precisely this musical heritage that makes the difference and distinguishes Companhia do Canto Popular in the Portuguese music scene, as receivers and transmitters of the cultural heritage, in the form of singing, to the present day, giving it new shapes and colors.

The result is an eclectic record, both for its multi-tone sound textures and the rhythms, to discover along an hour of popular music with new and inspired arrangements. This is an edition Sons Vadios with the institutional support of Municipality of Serpa, SPA - Portuguese Society of Authors and Antena 1 (Portuguese national radio).