The Successors of the Mandingue

The Successors of the Mandingue
Griot Insprired West African Music and Dance: Building a bridge between Wales and West Africa

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Areas of work:
Professional artistic performance
Community engagement and education in arts and culture
Wales/Africa development projects

Promotion and sharing of African arts - in particular West African traditions,
provision of meaningful employment opportunities for African artists in their specialist art form,
bringing together of disparate artists to collaborate on music/dance projects,
enabling greater cross-cultural understanding,
facilitating cultural education and exchange.

Performances – solo, group, and large ensemble – including the presentation of traditional Mandingue material as well as modern fusions,
the provision of accessible community based workshops in traditional African percussion, instrumentation, dance, and Mandingue storytelling,
individual and bespoke tuition,
creative projects to develop new presentations of traditional art forms and new compositions,
recording, documenting, and disseminating artistic ventures and traditions,
hosting and touring international artists,
cultural expeditions/courses,
working in partnership with professional artists, community groups, arts organizations, statutory and third sector agencies, promoters, venues, and festivals.

participating in

  • WOMEX, Digital Edition, feat. Budapest Ritmo


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