Dorsaf Hamdani

Dorsaf Hamdani

Dorsaf Hamdani is part of a generation of singers from Maghreb and Middle East which fasciante par the contrast between their attachment to musical traditions linked to artistic classicism, et their modernity. A generation of free, well educated and deeply independent women in societies where the evolution of the Woman's Rights and the feminist struggle also involve strong personalities, coming from art and poetry backgrounds.

Following the example of those legends she sings, Dorsaf is now appreciated from Malouf and classical Arabic song amators. She is also an artist that loves meeting people. She savours her collaborations with artists from different cultures, convinced that this kind of sharing is important.

In her country, she is an artist that has always imposed her personality, drawing her artistic wealth in an authentic Arabic tradition. Following the modern Tunisian Woman image, she is both linked to her roots and opened to the world.