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Kilometro 11
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Line up

  • Mauro Sarachian (Violoncello, voice)
  • Ramiro Zárate Gigli (Violoncello, voice)


Argentinian Folklore
Chechelos is one of the emerging bands in the music field of Argentina: funded in 2016, it’s a folk duo of cellos, formed by Mauro Sarachian y Ramiro Zárate Gigli, with a popular repertoire that has original arrangements, composed of two cellos and vocals, and characterized by a fine humor.
Consecrated as “Newcomer of Cosquin Festival 2017” and “Pre Chaya 2016”, they travel throughout Argentina with always sold out shows, bringing a new spirit to Argentinian music.

CheChelos es una de las revelaciones del actual panorama de la música argentina: creado en 2016, se trata de un dúo folclórico de violonchelos -formado por Mauro Sarachian y Ramiro Zárate Gigli- que aborda un repertorio popular con arreglos originales, la austeridad de dos chelos y dos voces, y teñidos de un humor fino que los caracteriza. Consagrados como “Revelación del Festival Cosquín 2017” y "Pre Chaya 2016", recorren el pais a sala llena trayendo un aire nuevo a la musica Argentina.