"Future Flora" - Black Flower

Black Flower
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We Are Black Flower (short doc.)

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  • artist:Black Flower
  • featured artist:Nathan Daems, Simon Segers, Jon Birdsong, Filip Vandebril, Wouter Haest
  • release year:2019
  • style(s):Oriental, Afro Jazz
  • country:Belgium
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc), LP / Vinyl
  • record posted by:Zephyrus Music
  • label:Sdban Records
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Five-piece hybrid jazz combo from Belgium piloted by saxophonist / flutist Nathan Daems, releases it’s third full album.
With DJ’s Gilles Peterson and Lefto as fans, two albums selected by Radio FIP (France), several showcases ( WOMEX, Eurosonic, MaMA...), international tours and a serious bunch of good reviews, the band is gaining interest with international audiences.
Where debut album ‘Abyssinia Afterlife’ (2014) and ‘Artifacts’ (2017) bathed in an atmosphere of psychedelics, mythical figures, ancient sounds and modern cultures, new album ‘Future Flora’ refers to the power of plants and their importance for the future. ‘It is a metaphore for strong and revolutionairy ideas that can save our world’, says Daems.
Black Flower’s musical cross-pollination of sounds and rhythms remain on
‘Future Flora’, but there is still room for a more Western touch with Romanian and Maloya (Réunion) influences. Daems developed his own arrangements where Western, Oriental and Ethiopian scales and chords are fused together to create a real mix of traditional instrumentation and modern electrical vibrations.