• 22-26 OCT 2025
  • Tampere, Finland

Artist Award:
Kayhan Kalhor

WOMEX 19 Award

Kayhan Kalhor, photo by Azadeh Besharaty

For the mastery and virtuosity of the kamancheh, for the ceaseless innovation and collaboration to create exciting new musical languages, and for bringing the Persian classical music tradition to the ears of people all over the world, WOMEX team is delighted to present the WOMEX 19 Artist Award to Kayhan Kalhor (Iran/USA).

For Kayhan Kalhor, the kamancheh is his voice. When he plays, he creates whole languages in which to communicate with people from all over the world, from centuries past and far into the future. Throughout his career, Kayhan Kalhor has worked with the best musicians from across Iran and studied the folk music of Kurdistan and Khorasan, allowing all of these voices to permeate his own sound. On the international scene, Kalhor is most well-known for his world-spanning collaborations. From Shujaat Khan, Yo-Yo Ma, Erdal Erzincan and Toumani Diabaté to the Kronos Quartet (recipient of WOMEX 18 Artist Awards), Brooklyn Rider and the Rembrandt Frerichs Trio, Kalhor’s musical partnerships are many and varied, and the results are invariably world-class.

Receiving the prestigious award on Sunday 27 October, Kayhan Kalhor will perform as a duo together with Erdal Erzincan on bağlama in what will be the final concert of WOMEX 19.

Professional Excellence Award:
Julie's Bicycle

WOMEX 19 Award

Julie's Bicycle, photo by Angela Dennis Photography

For their forward-thinking strategies to speed up the attainment of environmental sustainability in every facet of our industry and professional lives, for their rallying of artists and arts professionals from all over the world to speak and act in one powerful group, and for their status as a figurehead in the global arts movement in the face of climate change and ecological disaster, Piranha Arts, the organisers of WOMEX are delighted to present the 2019 WOMEX Professional Award to Julie’s Bicycle.

Julie’s Bicycle rallies the creative and arts sectors in shouting with one powerful voice against the environmental crises that we are now facing. Named after the location of their first meeting, Julie's Bicycle has worked tirelessly towards their vision, in London (where they’re based), in the UK, and in the world.

Julie’s Bicycle has approached their task in three main ways: working with businesses individually to improve their environmental impact management; researching and developing resources for the use of all; and introducing, promoting and performing outreach for new ideas and sustainable business models.