Katia Guerreiro

Katia Guerreiro


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Doctor and musician, Katia Guerreiro is an unconventional Fado singer. During her studies, she goes on practicing music and enters a Fado Club to celebrate her diploma obtaining.
She is invited to sing few minutes, the audience is immediately captivated and recognizes in her the new Fado voice.
Encouraged by the musicians who faithfully accompany her all around the world, the closed doors of Fado open easily to her.
For few years, Fado has known a new succes thanks to voices discovered and launched by José Renato : Misia, Cristina Branco and now Katia Guerreiro who makes allegiance to Amalia Rodrigués. Less tragic actress than Amalia Rodrigués but closed to her sensitivity, Katia Guerreiro shows an amazing musicality, a determined, scratched and almost male voice. Her suave and shining and way of singing shows an unshakable pride. Katia tell us : « I sing Fado to heal souls but I stay doctor to heal the human suffering ».