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  • country:Hungary
  • label:Aural Records (Producer: Rafal “Praczas” Kolacinsky)
  • type:Trio
  • gender:male
  • artist posted by:Accord World Music Kft

Line up

  • Áron Szilágyi (Jew’s harp, overtone flutes, kaval, fuyara, sample)
  • Béla Drabant (vocal, violin, zither)
  • Krisztián Almási (tapan, percuss)


Zoord was founded by one of the world's most known Jew's harp players, Áron Szilágyi in 2014. Their inspiring songs, ancient nomadic and traditional Hungarian music is bravely and creatively re-formed by the trio. It is ancient and traditional, but at the same time very much present day and party music. Their instrumentation is minimal but still very heavy, with one of the oldest instruments in front, the Jew’s harp. It can be rarely found in other bands or when it is played it has a background role. In Zoord this simple but versatile musical instrument has a main role, played by Áron Szilágyi. Áron is the one of the world’s most acknowledged Jew’s harp maker’s son, their family is the only one who continues the tradition of Jew’s harp making in Hungary. Áron has given solo concerts and workshops from Tokyo to Dakar, from London to Los Angeles in the last 20 years. He is also the board member of the International Jew’s Harp Society.

Zoord have been playing in wide range of venues from small clubs to big festivals in Hungary, but they are regular performers of internationally acknowledged festivals and venues, such as Sziget festival or Müpa. The band has several international concerts each year and are regular guests in Italy, Poland, Germany, Russia and France, but have also played in countries where Hungarian band rarely or never perform: Yakutia, Kazakhstan, Japan. Despite the good number of concerts abroad, the band hasn’t got into the international circulation of world music, although we are convinced that their unique sound has a place there.