Alexander Alekhin


Alexander Alekhin

"I can be on a stage with very different people. I played with rock-musicians, with jazzmen, with rap-musicians, with hip-hopers and many others. Who knows - may be the next time I will be on stage with Old men and old women playing on old rusty saucepans."

He studied at Belgorod Music College on bassoon class, and at Leningrad Jazz College on jazz-bass class. A few years Aliss worked at Belgorod (Belgorod Regional Philharmonic Orchestra, restaurant “Gostionsky”, casino “Fortuna”, “Art-club”, culture center “Rusitch”…). He is the founder of commercial jazz in Belgorod and the President of the First Belgorod Art-club. Also He worked at Saint-Petersburg (clubs: “Ten”, “Art-clinic”, “Red”, “Open Music”, “New Age Centre”…).
Last 6 years Aliss lives and works at Moscow, basically concentrating on festival activity.

The most pleasant events of last years are:
- participation in the " Sziget 2003 " international open-air festival in Hungary (Budapest)
- release legendary CD - "YO-DANCE".
- participation in the "Romania-Russia" action in Buharest sity (Romania)
- contract with "FG Recordings" (USA, CA) on release of 2 CD ("ZEN" and "Dragon, Griffin and the Turtleman")
- music to he film "Land of Marmots" (Russia, Ekaterinburg, "4th channel studio")

Aliss is the author of over 100 compositions. The most popular are: "Druids swing", "Engine Rush", "Condrashkin' Blues", "Hunter", "The Bat", "Acid River", "Lions Rhythm").