
Electro Folk from Italian Scene

The trashcans (this the exact translation from Slovenian) they represent the other face of globalization and strong consumerism, the systematic waste of resources. Some kind of large cases inside which you can find again all your old treasures: the worm-holed chair or the used couch, music from the ancient sound or the fogotten languages of the world.
The Kosovnis Odpadki come from Friuli, the oriental border of Italy, but their linguistic and blood bond takes them from the Balkans to Argentina, from Bolivia to the Middle East.
The music and the texts are of own production.
The formulates is simple but incisive : music Easy, but not banal, sounds and different languages and a great live impact . Shortly something that cannot be forgotten!

Kosovni Odpadki in Slovene not only means ‘dustbins’ but is also the name of the most important music band from Friuli, the multilingual region in North-eastern Italy. During the last two months their songs have been dominating air-time on the cult programme ‘Caterpillar’ on national radio-station Rai 2.

‘Our name is ‘Kosovni Odpadki’ because we recycle sounds, rhythms, languages and traditions. Some people consider these as waste and garbage, but for us it is the raw material for creating something new and alive’, explains Mauro Punteri, the lead singer of the band.

Using Friulan and Slovene in our songs is natural for us. These languages are our mother tongues and are autochthonous expressions of our territory, a part of the world of which we are citizens’, adds Punteri.
He expresses a point of view which is common to a wide range of bands in Friuli. Kosovni Odpadki with its multilingual, cosmopolitan ‘patchanka’(mixture), can be considered by some as representative of a whole new Friulan scene.