Inma Grass

In a world shaken by violence, depression, war, inequality, injustice, discrimination, racism, homophobia, poverty, the climate crisis, abuse and brutality, the time has come to create a global movement. for PEACE and CONSCIOUSNESS. There is no time to waste, it is an EMERGENCY. it’s the time of the women of the women’s energy. This energy is necessary to heal the world, This energy is necessary to save the world from chaos and destruction and bring awareness of life, because women bring life to the world and we want to protect it, we do not want to destroy it and life is only possible with Peace. To do this, it is necessary for women to embrace their value and access positions of decision and power, with the support of men who believe that another more humane and fairer world is possible and that is an historical moment in which they must hand over control to women

Human beings are much more complex than an archetype and our gender is more fluid than the simplification between men and women, but to understand each other, women must embrace the masculine archetypes of strength, courage, independence, security and men the feminine archetypes of compassion. , empathy, care, sensitivity and creates a new model of human beings that integrates these values. The struggle of women is also the struggle of all disadvantaged groups, who have been silenced, beaten and hurt in their dignity and their own lives.
The music industry has been a pioneer in sending messages of hope to the world with our powerful speakers, it is our duty to transmit this message and continue fighting for a more peaceful equal, compassionate and kind world.
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article posted by:Inma Grass, Altafonte