Gabriela Mendes

Gabriela Mendes
  • country:Cape Verde
  • region:West Africa
  • style(s):Chansons
  • label:l'empreinte digitale
  • artist posted by:Art Moderne


A new character arriving from Cape Verde Islands. Gabriela Mendes to start a diva career.
“When I was five years old I listened to my mum and I discovered the pleasure of my country’s music. Famous musicians such as violinist Malaquia often came to our place to rehearse before playing in religious cultural evenings.”
Gabriela Mendes has sung the “tocatina” at night in all the Cape Verde Islands bars, she took part in big festivals such as Santa Maria on Sal island, Praia Cruz, morna’s birthplace.
To our eyes, she is a budding diva! Rare are the occasions to perform abroad, -“my islands are far from the world”-, but the young lady is already grave and deep, she has long meditated on loneliness, nostalgia, “sodade”. Today, she is dreaming of bringing to the whole world audience some of the Cape Verde Islands history and tradition.